
更新时间:2023-08-15 10:38:28 作者:智慧百科

姐姐用英语怎么说1. My sister and her English

My sister has always been interested in learning English. She started taking English classes in middle school and continued to study it in high school. When she went to college, she majored in English and spent a semester studying abroad in the United States. Her English skills have improved a lot over the years, and now she can communicate fluently with native speakers.

2. How my sister practices English

To improve her English, my sister reads English books and newspapers regularly. She also listens to English music and watches English-language movies and TV shows. In addition, she often practices speaking English with her friends who are native speakers or who also speak English as a second language. She even uses English to communicate with me sometimes, although I am not as good as her.

3. My sister's confidence in English

My sister is very confident in her English ability. She is not afraid to speak up and use her English skills, even when she makes mistakes. She believes that making mistakes is a natural part of learning, and that it is important to keep practicing and improving. Her confidence in English has given her many opportunities, such as volunteering as a translator for international events and participating in international conferences.

4. Learning from my sister

Watching my sister's dedication and passion for learning English has inspired me to also learn another language. Although I have not yet chosen which language to study, I know that I can look up to her as a role model and follow her example of perseverance and hard work. I am grateful to have such a supportive and inspiring sister.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, my sister's English skills have come a long way through years of study and practice. Her confidence in using English has opened up many opportunities for her, and she continues to inspire those around her to learn and improve.




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